Monday, January 30, 2012

Upcoming EGSA Events

EGSA would like to kick the week off with a reminder that the EGSA Symposium on Bodies in Space is coming up in just two weeks. In the next few days we will be posting the flyer for the event with all the event details, but please be sure to r.s.v.p. on Facebook so that we can order enough breakfast, lunch, and wine (yes, there will be wine). This is an annual event showcasing our colleagues' work and interesting scholarship, so please make plans to attend and support our department and your EGSA board.

Also coming up:
February 16 - "Summer Jobs for English Grads": a presentation on options available for the summer months for money and for the resume.
February 24 - Join the EGSA board for a trek to the Library of Congress where we will get library cards (an immensely helpful resource in graduate school), and possibly tour the main hall.
March (dates to be announced) - we will organize a "Plan your PhD" event, and cover skills such as Resume/CV writing and Publishing in Academia. Additionally, we are considering another M.A. portfolio presentation, and round-table sessions for the Qualifying and Fields exams.
April (dates to be announced) - we will wrap up the year with a blog series on Alternative Career Options, and we will host another book sale. We will also host elections for next year's board, so start thinking about if you would like to be on the ballot.

We will of course continue to publish CFPs and campus events. Please take a minute and subscribe via email to our blog (note: you may have to use a different browser if you experience difficulty with subscribing).

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